Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Corelli Ornithopter concept drawings 1977

You've seen this concept airship before so I will simply guide you to its page from many years ago. In 1977 I was seriously into science fiction including "Ardath" Marie Corelli's proto-Steampunk tale of the ornithopter called the "White Eagle." The main plane body is somewhat based on the Concorde and the wings are fashioned from a long keel where the wings are anchored. The wings fold back when not in use. In the quoted posting, I added a pair of jet engines to the rear of the plane just in case it needs some extra speed and flying ability. In "real life" there have been some moderately effective ornithopters but none able to carry more than one passenger.

Also, it occurs to me that being a passenger in a big ornithopter with fully flapping wings would be quite uncomfortable. With each wingbeat the plane would bounce up and down. I watch birds flying a lot and most of their flight is three-dimensionally active, so to speak. Woodpeckers and crows fly a fairly even trajectory but they need a lot of speed to keep 'em flying. Vultures and hawks can fly like gliders but that isn't what Corelli had in mind.

Tech pen on sketchbook page, 11" x 8 1/2", 1977.

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