Saturday, November 30, 2019

Deadheads 5: Fashions 1991

I enjoyed drawing Deadhead fashions. Unlike the hard rockers and the punks, Deadheads wore loose, floppy garb suitable for swaying and dancing. From left to right: A girl in coverall baggy pants holds a string toy, like a cat's cradle that was often sold as a souvenir at shows. Note her fringed moccasins. Center right, multi-layer clothes keep a young Deadhead warm, including an Indian cotton tunic and over that a sporran-like stash pouch. He wears a knitted wool cap with a badge pinned on it. March in the D.C. area is cold but he is barefoot! In back is a quick sketch of the dog's head from my previous posting, and another less flowery Deadhead doing something that was really not a good idea, snorting chemical vapors from a spray can. A more innocent explanation to give him the benefit of the doubt is that it's a water container or a thermos bottle.

Black ink on sketchbook page, 5" x 8", March 1991.

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