Saturday, November 9, 2019

Grumpy Model 1972

The going price for an hour of art model time in 1972 was between $15 and $20. That was a lot of money in those days. The model kept a watch by her side so she knew how much time she was spending and in what pose. The timekeeping is still current modeling practice. The poses were up to her unless some artist in the group asked for a specific one. In most big cities with artist communities there was a number of people who actually made a living doing art modeling. Most of these had a dance or drama background and were interesting people even when not modeling. During one year the model and the artists got to know each other and they kept the same model from one session to another. It paid more than fast food work even if you had to be naked. This model seems to be having a rough day, but I will never know what put her in such a grumpy mood.

Pencil on sketchbook page, 4 1/2" x 8", 1972.

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