Friday, December 20, 2019

Christmas Rush 2001

See them, the gifts of 2001. People are loading boxes into the mail at the post office. The woman in front seems to be in a dismal mood and probably was. This is an America changing like ours. The event of our lifetime - not World War II but the attacks of 9/11, is still weighing on everything since then. Instead of a fiery disaster killing thousands at once we have a war that kills and lasts forever. And a swirling gaggle of prune-faced old white men in blue suits, all toadying to the Yellow Face.

I am not mailing anything out just yet - I just can't stand the crowds and city driving. 100 copies of "Virginia Under Vine" are about to arrive and I will announce when it's ready. I will have to miss Christmas with cards and gifts due to all sorts of delays but I can make something up around it. We are coming to that awful dark turning point of the last two weeks of the year. Sometimes this Blog is the only method of communication I trust, because I know who is reading it, all five of you. Happy Solstice Rachel, Jim, Mike, Claudia, Diana, and anyone else I have no idea about.

Sepia brown ink on sketchbook page, 5" x 7", December 17, 2001.

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