Monday, December 9, 2019

Color Study 1: Kandinsky gets an iMac for Christmas

This is what happens when you mash up High Art with our trivial culture. You get Vassily tapping out colors and light on that famous screen, shiny with red and green bits to suggest the corruption-racked Holiday Season. I'm not feeling that jolly with someone fit to impeach. Well if you want nutjobs you can always go to Trader Joe's for a crunchy mix.

This was created in a hybrid way, just like a Toyota Prius. Red and green off the screen is scanned in markers, and on the screen are Kandy shapes of the same color. It's not a Colorform, it's not a doodle, not a Geometrikon, not a "K-series"'s an abstract tryout that the 20th century artistic types worked on without too much humor. So put this in your pipe and
smoke it, Kandy-man.

Markers and Photoshop, 5" x 5 1/2", December 9, 2019.

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