Sunday, December 8, 2019

Deadheads 10: Dance with the Dead 1991

And here they are, dancing to the music, in the parking lot or in the arena. Some of them, like me, wrote down the song list as it was being played! This show featured some of their very best, including a revival of their spaciest song, "Dark Star." The weather was misty and the stands were full. My Deadhead models are now immortal (relatively so, I guess) as is "Matt" at lower right, who trucked all the way from Wisconsin to hear the band in DC. I will always remember this concert as well as all the fun stuff around it. Thank you for helping me reminisce to 28 years in the past and the dance of a faded but not forgotten tribe.

Black tech pen on sketchbook pages, 10 1/2" x 7 1/2", March 20, 1991. 

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