Saturday, January 11, 2020

Rockport, Mass. 1997

Rockport, Massachusetts is a favorite vacation place among New Englanders, and during my youth I went there many times with family and friends. Not only is it a good place for shopping, fishing, and observing picturesque scenes, it is an artists' colony where you can enjoy looking at paintings on a street full of art galleries. The art is traditional, and depicts things like the one you see above: seaside cottages, landscapes, gardens and garden sheds, and antique woodwork. You'll also see more traditional subject matter such as flowers, still lifes of ceramics and fruit and fresh fish, and the sea in all conditions, from sunlit splashes to breakers crashing on rocks, and moody moonlit scenes of translucent waves. And of course, the perennial lighthouse, without which a coastal artist would never do.

I have never depicted a lighthouse but like other "iconic" subjects every New England artist eventually gets to paint or draw at least one. If I still lived in New England I would have already done it. I'll just imagine there's a lighthouse in the background of this little sketch and move on.

Black tech pen on sketchbook page, 8" x 5", June 30, 1997.

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