Monday, March 23, 2020

Remembering Dave Ratner 1993

This gentleman, David Ratner, was one of my professors during my short stay at Boston University Art School in the summer of 1993. All the faculty were artists as well and I liked Dave's art the most. He painted abstractified images of still lifes and architecture. He preferred a tasteful muted blue-ish color scheme. He had been in the Air Force and in his studio there was a model of a fighter jet hanging from the ceiling. I have one of his rough sketches showing a battle between St. George and the dragon, in which the battle is in the clouds and St. George is flying an old-style World War 1 bi-plane. Dave died many years ago but I will always remember him and his whimsical art.

Brown ink on sketchbook page, 5" x 8", April 1993. I'll be featuring some of my vintage "reality" drawings from the 90s this spring.

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