Thursday, April 23, 2020

Helen at Peets Coffee

This is my good friend Helen. She's an artist, craftsman, activist, and mother. She and I had a regular appointment every Tuesday afternoon at Peet's Coffee, where we discussed Matters of Importance, the Arts, and Nature. My sketch doesn't look very much like her but it has her "gesture" as it were. This is one of the last meeting we had before the isolation and "social distancing" regulations were enacted. Peets is now closed to casual traffic although I think you can have coffee handed to you outside the shop, but that's not the same as our face to face meetings, or face to face drawings. We are adaptable and somehow we'll find ways to discuss and draw those Matters of Importance in a controlled environment.

Sepia brown tech pen on sketchbook page, 3" x 2 1/2", February 2020.

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