Thursday, May 7, 2020

Avestacon Scholar Guests 1997

These gentlemen are some of the special guests invited to the International Avesta Conference in the suburbs of Boston. It took place in November 1997 and I was excited to see and talk with these dignitaries whom I had never met. The Conference, as I remember, was somewhat held back by an unseasonal snowstorm but once inside the presentations carried on just fine. "Avesta" is the sacred scripture of the Zoroastrian faith so most of the talks were on religious literature.

Identifying the attendees: Top left, Pallan Ichaporia, a Zoroastrian from Mumbai, India now living in Pennsylvania. Upper right: William Malandra, Behram Deboo. Center Left, John Hinnells from Derbyshire, England. Bearded gent in white uniform, Dastur (Zoroastrian high priest) Firoze Kotwal from Mumbai.

Black tech pen on sketchbook page, 5" x 8", November 15, 1997.

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