Friday, May 29, 2020

Epcot Entrance 1998

Linda and I went to Epcot Center at Disney World. Epcot, a relic of the 1980s, still entertains and even inspires, the scientifically minded and world traveler type. The format is like an old-style World's Fair, with pavilions for various countries set around a reflecting lagoon. When I  was there it seemed a more "serious" place but now it mixes in Disney characters among the futuristic architecture, which makes me reminiscent of the 1964 New York World's Fair. Each country offers "authentic" foods, crafts, souvenirs, and performances. When I was there the countries were Mexico, Norway, U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Morocco, Japan, China, Canada, and the good old USA. I visited them all (except China, which Linda was boycotting for human rights offenses) had some great food at "Morocco" complete with belly dancer, and bought four beautiful rice bowls in "Japan" after spending a lovely few minutes in their garden. But where is the "India" pavilion? I love World's Fairs and would love to go back to Epcot after things get safer in public. The structure you see here is at the entrance rotunda of the Epcot park.

Black tech pen on sketchbook page, 4" x 7", January 24, 1998.

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