Friday, May 22, 2020

Parkalot 1998

I thought I had missed a blog day, but looking at the list of posts it shows I didn't. Or maybe I really did, and I am not counting correctly. Is it still May? What day in May? Have I paid my electricity bill? See what living in confinement does to a person, even if I got out to shop. The wine I bought was another ordeal. I couldn't get the plastic cork out no matter what tool I tried, so I drilled a hole through the center of the cylinder and watched the wine drip slowly into the glass. It was quite good quality (Clos du Bois Chardonnay) so I didn't throw it out.

Here's a sensitive and bored portrait of a local parking lot near me  in the dead of winter. I have promised myself I will not depict dumpsters, parking lots, road signs, or light fixtures unless the subject has some compelling design interest. Or maybe I'll make a year's theme ONLY those things. No! Was that winter? Is it spring now? is it summer yet? What time is it? Some reality from 1998.

Black tech pen on sketchbook page, 5 1/2" x 8", January 9th and 13", 1998.

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