Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Ritual Purity Zoroastrian Face Masks 1997

Face masks have suddenly become an essential item of our clothing, at least our protective clothing. But they're not new at all. From ancient times onward priests of the Zoroastrian religion have tended their Sacred Fire while wearing white face masks. Why do they do this? It is not only for hygienic reasons. The Fire, seen here on its pedestal urn, must be protected against unclean exhalations and expectorations. The modern masks are said to do the same thing, though the Zoroastrian masks are open at the bottom. Alongside hygiene is the concept of ritual purity, which probably derives from the rules of hygiene. Ritual purity isn't only a Zoroastrian concept. Many religions carry this concept into their ritual spaces and worship: Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and even Christianity represent ritual purity. So when you put on your bright cloth mask or practical blue paper, remember that it's not just health you are promoting, it's the spiritual life and the protection of purity against the onslaughts of the world.

Here's a bit more about all this from my original blog entry in February of 2019.

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