Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Two Dimensional Chili Colorforms

Maintaining a hidden isolated existence has not stopped for me, I have no idea when it will be possible to do things as they once were done. Maybe never, or at least for years. This includes posting here on the By-Product. "Morning" doesn't mean the same to me as it does to "normal" people. But they once went to work in the morning just like you used to. Work for "normal" people starts in the morning, right? What's interesting is that the isolation and lockdown protocols has made visible an entire tier of workers and home makers and parents who never had the "normal" schedule. This would especially include computer programmers and IT workers, and "creatives" like artists and writers. Work from home? If my studio is at home, which it is, then I've been working from home all my life. Just keep going.

This Colorform, which follows the usual four-color format, differs only in the size of the Colorform elements. Also featured is an architectural yellow square with a black, or empty square inside it. This square-inside-square reminded me of a flat torus, a doughnut made with straight lines. This form is everywhere in the world, everywhere a building with windows exists. But is it a true topological feature, or can this square flat entity count? It's two-dimensional, which should make things simpler. 2D = window. 3D = torus. The small colors I added give this piece a vague Southwestern appearance, cacti on a red hill, a whiff of chili in the mathematics cafe'.

Photoshop, 5" x 5", May 18, 2020.

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