Monday, June 1, 2020

Black Moon Unrest

Wait, what? I just woke up from an ambient nap to find the world changed as if someone had stepped on Ray Bradbury's time-lapsed butterfly. One week I am sitting at Peet's Coffee with my arty lady friends, discussing semi-precious stones and graphic design. The next week we are wondering whether the plague will get us in the grocery store and I have to wear a shmattah (rag in Yiddish) just to get in (Not Sally's masks, which are arty). No matter how bright and cheerful our face-wraps are, I find it difficult to accept this brave new world. 

But I am perseverant if anything. I will blogify, whether it's art or words. I am the only person counting these posts. I insist that there's one blogification and Arial-type words per day. I have an idea for a real simple image. I'll be back in a few minutes - before the midnight deadline. You're invited to watch a few buildings burn in the meantime.

Here you go. The little orange flames depict molotov cocktails and other fiery destruction in progress. The blue circles are dark moons, or police lights. 

There, I'm done. And even topical.

"Black Moon Unrest," Photoshop, 5" x 5", June 1, 2020.

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