Friday, June 26, 2020

Ecumenicon Hotel Atrium 1998

And here is the thrilling interior atrium area of the Best Western hotel in Burtonsville, Maryland, where Ecumenicon 1998 was held. There is also a black and white line drawing of this scene on my portrait of John Champlin. It makes me think I did more drawing than conventioneering. I am sure that I've blogged this drawing before, but as the number of my postings approaches 4,000 (!) I could search all night even with the search widget and not find it so this stands as a Unique Posting as by the self-imposed rules of your Blogger here. And where are the Ecumenicists? How many are still around? Is Ecumenicon still going? There isn't much information about it after 2014, and I just don't have the energy to find it again and contact the people who ran it. The world is different now, and we are turning into Internet holograms anyway.

Markers and colored pencils on sketchbook psge, 8 1/2" x 11", March 14, 1998. Click on the image for a larger view.

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