Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Artist with Attitude, 1998

Ron Miller is one of America's greatest living astronomical, science fiction, and fantasy artists. He is amazingly prolific in the visual world and he also writes fiction and non-fiction. In the spring of 1998 at Balticon I met up with him and drew one of my sketchy little portraits. We had a great conversation and I would later meet up with him at other conventions. In 1998 when this picture was drawn, Ron was getting serious about digital art and had put away his traditional painting medium. But now that I've seen his latest art done in traditional media, I'm wondering whether he changed his mind. Most of the artists I know, including Ron and myself, work in a "hybrid" style using both digital and traditional media.

There is a short quote in the background, attributed to Ron. I didn't say it, Ron inscribed it on my picture of him and I have no idea why.

Black tech pen as usual on sketchbook page, 5 1/2" x 8 1/2", April 11, 1998.

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