Monday, July 27, 2020

July Doodle Page

Larvae and worms occupy my date stamps for mid-July. There are seven date stamps on this page, can you find them all? The blank spaces are for words, which I erased before posting here. I'm still having lots of browser and software update problems, issues, whatevers. Bloggle, if you want me to post, then tell me where the button to push for "new posting" is! Maybe the truth is that, as a friend diplomatically advised me, the weblog or traditional "blog" is obsolete and if you want to write and make an online diary, go on Instagram. Or do your blogging by video. Trust me, you don't want to see me in my studio when the blue light from my screen turns me into an aging alien. 

Ink, markers, Photoshop on sketchbook page, 8" x 7 1/2", July 2020.

1 comment:

  1. Blogs are "obsolete"? Really? I doubt that. I follow at least three people who blog and they'doing just fine. I don't know who told you that, but they're wrong. FYI, Instagram is owned by the Faceborg, so I'd think twice about signing up for them.
