Sunday, July 12, 2020

Mr. Chairman 1998

The guy in red at the top of the page is the chairman of the convention. Year after year this well-connected Pagan personality arranged guests, made sure the hotel was pleased with our use of their space, viewed schedules, and saw that guests were at least somewhat satisfied. Graphic design and logos were my responsibility, though I didn't design the red shirt. I did ten T-shirt logos and program covers during my time with this convention. I am not naming any names here but anyone in the Pagan community near me will know who the red shirted character is. The average attendance at this convention was between a hundred and two hundred weekenders, with more coming in as one-day guests. 

The question is: Does this convention still exist? I couldn't find it at first, not even through Google, but I finally found it. At that point, in 2014, there were three "inheritor" conventions with the same theme. Finally I found that this convention had been "folded in" to another less playful and more serious educational event. Even so, the Difficulties have forced all of these meetings into a "virtual" or perhaps "astral-projected" format.

Black tech pen and colored pencils on sketchbook page, 5 1/2" x 8 1/2", July 3, 1998.

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