Friday, July 10, 2020

Pagan Patriarchs

The conventions I went to in 1998 were either fantasy themed, or Pagan/New Age, or some combination of both. The Neo-Pagan community was closely knit (and many of them were knitters, too) so there was always something to have in common and enjoy talking about. It was a family with the good and bad of a "real" family. Costumes were accepted but not required.

These two robed and bearded patriarchs were "important" men in the community who organized conventions, held get-togethers, and assisted people in their careers, fortunes, and misfortunes. On the left is an organizer, counselor, and ritualist priest; the larger figure to right is an artist who specialized in Pagan and erotic themed art. I had an art exhibit at this convention and also gave a presentation, as I remember. I even sold some art there.

Black tech pen on sketchbook page, 5 1/2" x 8 1/2", July 2, 1998.

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