Friday, July 3, 2020

Plague Summer Date Stamps

The folks at Blogger can't let well enough for now, they have to mess with something that was good enough for me for 11 years, oh well I'll figure it out somehow. I want my image all the way to the left side of the "page" but somehow it won't let me. And the font defaults to Times as soon as I want a new paragraph after a space. This is the situation of modern media: They change it, or invent it, but don't bother giving you the instructions. 

These are "date stamps" from my sketchbook journal. We're living in a world filled with invisible microscopic things which can kill us. Well I suppose it's been like that all along. Keep that mask up.

Markers on sketchbook page, 4 1/2" x 2 1/2".

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