Sunday, July 19, 2020

Rosicrucian Museum San Jose 1998

This colorful building is the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, situated in its own Rosicrucian Park in San Jose. It houses a large collection of artifacts, most of which are replicas. If you are old enough, you might remember ads for "Ancient Wisdom Revealed!" in the back pages of pulp magazines and comic books. Those ads were not ancient, but the product of a highly eclectic religion promoted by an esoteric belief group named after another such group back in the Renaissance. This museum belongs to them.

My hostess was thrilled to go in and see the museum, but it cost a lot for just replicas so while she toured I sat outside and drew this drawing of part of the building. In 1998 it was somewhat shabby but since then it has been completely renovated with new exhibits added and new ancient wisdom revealed.

Brown tech pen ink and colored pencils on sketchbook page, 7 1/2" x 5 1/2", July 15, 1998. Click on image for a larger view.

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