Sunday, September 20, 2020

Bubbly Border


The new upgrade here at Blogger isn't my favorite thing on the planet, but I'll have to deal with it, won't I. So if I want my aesthetically pleasing left-align for my art item, I have to find it buried under something that looks like a stack of papers. And in 12 years of publishing I've never gotten it to stay on the same typeface just for me. Oh well those are graphic designer grumbles, at least it still works. Just about everything I own needs an upgrade, including my hair. What you see here is yet another "fun" border, this one based on bubble shapes. Re-mix and coloration to follow. I still can't go into the hairdresser though.

Markers on sketchbook journal page, 5 1/2" x 4 1/2", September 20, 2020.

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