Friday, September 4, 2020

Tired Friend Summer 1998


1998 was a busy year for me business-wise, art-wise, and socially. Directly after Worldcon ended in mid-August, friends came down from the Boston area to hang out with me in the DC area. I was recovering from the usual convention cold and so didn't go with them to the Zoo and the monuments. We all got together to feast on sushi. Sushi doesn't put you to sleep but it's work dashing around the Capitol and the Museums. On a visit with another friend my visitor just zonked out on a couch. 

Those were the days! Of all the things now denied us, I miss restaurant food the most, even if I can sit down in my dwelling and eat it as take-out and make a mess. Facebook and Zoom are no substitutes.

Colored pencils and ink on sketchbook page, 4" x 3 1/2", August 11, 1998.

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