Friday, October 9, 2020

4000 posts!

The By-Product has reached a milestone. This is my 4000th posting on the Blog. I started in March 2008 with the format I still use today. That is 12 years of doing the same process every time I enter a post. And I don't mean a vineyard post, either. Every effort involves procuring the source (my art archives or an original new art by me), adjusting the size and color, placing it on the page, and writing some chirpy and occasionally profound caption text. 

Sure, I've put it on hold a few times, for health or family reasons, but most of the By-Product has continued through the years. Am I the Cal Ripken of blogging? He played straight through over 2600 games. In fact, I've played blogger ever since my ELECTRON BLUE, a wordy trail through my study of mathematics and physics. That one ended in 2008 and started up again with this one. I'm not so devoted to math now, but art goes on virtually forever.

Photoshoppe, 6" x 5", October 9, 2020.

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