Monday, October 5, 2020

Kansas People and Cats 1998


Naturally I had my art equipment with me but for this nothing more than the usual tech pen. We did a lot of sitting around and talking which gave me plenty of time to draw. I noticed in fact that people from the Midwest and West liked to talk, whereas New Englanders like me are instructed not to be excessively gabby. But I like to talk, both to humans and to cats. The guy at upper left is Byron, Regina's brother. He worked in the oil industry and I enjoyed talking with him about it and the flaming torches of refineries. The overweight cat is "Puddin" who Regina and her new husband were fostering. Another guest cat at lower right is "Gremlin," long-haired with a sweet disposition. In the center was "Analog," a tiny but fierce rescue cat who made life miserable for the other cats in the house. Missing from this group is "Digital," a charming, humorous long haired grey stripey cat who just ran away one day, because he couldn't stand living with Analog.

Black tech pen on sketchbook page, 5 2/3" x 7 1/2", October 18, 1998.

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