Friday, October 23, 2020

Mall Walk 1998


I didn't do much color sketching in the mall. It was inconvenient to balance my sketchbook in my lap with a coffee cup by its side and my pencil case on the other side. This is a color sketch of the Tysons Corner Mall, which still exists just a couple of miles from me but is currently under restricted access due to plague.

I tried to depict the crowds back then although my people-drawing was mediocre. Also, the lady in blue and white at center page has noticed me - hard to tell, but she did, so I stopped drawing. The color scheme is pale, due to my light colored pencils, and grey ink, which I never quite liked. I hope they open the mall again. It's open now, but the plaguey germs are crowding in there too.

Grey ink and colored pencils on sketchbook page, 4 1/2" x 6 1/2", September 8, 1998.

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