Monday, October 19, 2020

Portrait at Borders Books 1998


The coffee shop at Borders Books (as well as many other similar places) encouraged socializing and reading and buying books. Arty events also took place such as small concerts and readings by authors. There was also art and I was often there with my sketchbook. As usual I drew portraits of people there as long as they gave permission. Many times they asked for their portrait. This is one of them. The lady portraitee. who I will only name as "K," wanted a drawing. I did a more detailed rendering and promised her a copy. I don't give original sketch art away unless the person pays for it. "K" was a habitue' of the Borders coffee shop and by her own admission was struggling with mental illness of some kind. Maybe the coffee shop helped her. Now Borders is gone but I hope K found another friendly place to sit and be seen.

Black tech pen on sketchbook page, 5 1/2" x 8 1/2", November 16, 1998.

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