Monday, October 26, 2020

Tot Lot Play Castle 1998


There are a lot of children of all ages in my apartment complex and they need a safe place to  play.  To this purpose there are at least two "tot lots" in the areas around the buildings. The playgrounds also feature play equipment such as the traditional swings and also two of these colorful "play castles." These colorful durable plastic constructions are designed for kids who are out of toddler stage but not yet big enough for other amusements such as two-wheeler bikes. The "castles" were installed sometime around 1998 and they are still there, though somewhat faded. When I was drawing this I considered that I rarely get to use the bright colors in my colored pencil set, unless I depict flowers or toys.

Colored pencils and ink on sketchbook page, 5" x 5", September 23, 1998.

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