Saturday, November 7, 2020

Recent Date Stamps and Logos

I use my sketchbook journal (at least this year's) to experiment and play with typefaces, logo design, and mini-stamps. This image has been painstakingly edited and de-worded out of the page it was on. Isn't Photoshop great? Is art fun? Is work fun? The thing is, I keep doing it no matter how un-fun it is. But wait! I plan to color some of these in. That should be fun. Even if I'm not really doing professional work (art for $) these days. Wasn't that fun? I think I finished what I was working on. 4 AM here, time to publish blog and do something else.

Black tech pen on sketchbook page, 9" x 3 1/2", November 2020. Click on image for a larger view. 

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