Thursday, November 12, 2020

Retreat House Labyrinth Room

I belong to a small religious group oriented toward mystical Christian prayer and philosophy. Every year we gather together at a retreat house in a natural setting, where we share our prayers and experiences. In 1998 our Retreat was at a beautiful venue in central Maryland. I was able to wander and birdwatch and have great discussions with my friends. As always I brought my sketchbook with me and drew views of our house interior and surrounding nature. This is the main function room for ceremonies and events. On the floor is a Labyrinth done in paint on canvas which can be easily rolled up and transported. Walking the path of the Labyrinth is a spiritual discipline that many of my fellow retreatants want to do. I am not a such a fan of the Labyrinth; all those twists and turns make me dizzy.

Colored pencils with some brown ink on sketchbook page, 5" x 6", May 8, 1998.

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