If this building looks like a temple, it's because the design was inherited from the distant religious past, when works of high-energy theophorica (nouergy) were done to overawe the worshippers. In determinedly atheistic, religion-free Surakosai all temples or public places of worship are banned. And this is anything but a temple. Its bunker-like structure is designed to withstand nouergic forces and protect the surroundings should there be an accident. The low stone perimeter around the paved platform is another layer of defense. The purple bulbs on the top of the wall are high-energy "retained effects," materials filled with nouergic force, which are set to direct any accidental or uncontrolled energy up into space. The glowing purple cones on the roof corners have a similar purpose, making sure that things do not get out of hand, and protecting the neighborhood if they do.
Theophoric energies at high levels emit visible light in different colors, depending on the individual user. In some schools of nouergy, it is considered unprofessional to allow any visible light. The light can be suppressed if necessary, but in non-stealth operations it is often shown as a "tell-tale" for onlookers, so that they are aware that nouergy is being used. In this picture, the glow tells any visitor that high level nouergy is being practiced inside and that it would be unsafe to enter.
Many people who see nouergic workrooms such as this remark that they look ominous and gloomy. Some of this is deliberate. Just as with other energies such as nuclear power, theophorica has its risks and must be guarded carefully.
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