Trader Joe's appreciates their customers. After all, where would TJ's be without them? I made this sign to go behind the registers where the customers are waiting for their order to be tallied and bagged. Most of the "white" lettering is actually in tones of off white and light yellow but my photo, taken in low light, didn't pick those up. The "Thank You" really is written in white. There's some mid-20th century "retro" going on here, to match the graphics that I've done elsewhere in the store this year. I have three more of these behind-the-register signs to do, each with a friendly useful message. All graphics, no pictures for this series.
Very fresh and attractive. It makes me want to buy more stuff!
But you know that, yes?
Lettering as art, sometimes I can get it but most of the time I don't! This is so simple but if it were not done just right it would look horrible (like if I did it).
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