"Mycelium" is a planet where fungi and molds became the dominant plant species. There are mold meadows, forests, and gardens. There are mushroom trees and fungus prairies. The atmosphere is very thick and moist, and the sun is almost never visible. In this little environmental study, a human explorer makes his way through a verdant valley, accompanied by a friendly native creature called a catopod, which appears to be a combination of feline and octopus.
Photoshop, about 3 3/4" x 1". August 31, 2010.
Excellent! Adding the human and catopod really gives a sense of scale.
Great choice of color scheme. So not like some of the things I have seen in refrigerators that I have cleaned in my sordid past...
Do they have mohair in this place?
Emikk: They have hairy mo's, which are pseudo-mammalians that exude a nourishing if slightly hallucinogenic mushroom milk. "Hair of the Mo" is prized as a base for textiles. Its natural color is brilliant magenta.
I will show you some more of the creatures of "Mycelium" in the future.
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