I'm working on a new learning project. I am finally going to learn how to draw pretty girls. All my previous attempts at drawing a pretty girl have failed. There are many reasons for this and one of them is that I was trying to draw faces realistically. What I really want to do is create fantasy women characters and many of these go by cartooning and drawing formulas. I am working with a book I just got, called "Figure It Out: The Beginner's Guide to Drawing People" by Chris Hart. This takes a cartoony approach rather than a "serious" realistic way, and works without a model, since he knows that most aspiring artists don't have easy access to live models.
He starts with faces. He demonstrates how faces are structured by using basic shapes. He gives you examples to copy, and shows how they fit together. I have been filling pages with pretty girl heads. These are some of the better ones. They all look kind of alike, they all may be the same girl, but that's because they're done from a formula. Later on Hart will teach me how to put expression and individuality into the faces. The book covers how to draw the whole body, and includes how to draw males too. One thing I've noticed is that the prettier a girl is, the less individual she looks. My favorite in this set is top row, second from left.
Faces were drawn in pencil, and excerpted from scanned drawings. October 1, 2010.
Second from left on the bottom row looks kinda like Buffy. These are good, what an interesting thing to be re-learning At Your Age.
Good luck, I know you can do it.
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