Friday, October 19, 2012

Graphic novel panel finished

My loyal handful of followers may remember my posting of an ink drawing on September 15. That was from page 43 of my ongoing graphic novel about the wizard and the volcano. Now I have finally finished this page and here's how that ink drawing turned out. I painted in watercolor directly on the ink drawing, and glued in printouts of the type. Page 43 has its problems, but at least it is finally done and I can go on to page 44. I estimate that Chapter 2 will go to about page 50 (not counting title pages and dividers) and then I will start working on publishing it.

Ink, watercolor, and printed paper collage on Fabriano illustration board, about 5" x 4", summer-fall 2012.


  1. Mike (Carss, I think), thanks for your favorable comment on my graphic work. I'm glad someone likes it.
