Friday, March 20, 2015

Gadget Tangle

What does your computer area look like? This is an area right next to my large monitor screen. I bet you can identify everything in this little panorama. I've got a power strip with a "wall wart" stuck in it as well as other power supplies. There's a router, delivering a constant stream of Internet garbage into the ether. There's the cable modem, conduit of the constant stream of Internet garbage. Then there is the USB Hub, which looks like a rather sinister spider or octopus. On the table, my birdwatching binoculars, some dusting cloths, and a little paper notebook. And, in case of fire, tornado, or hard drive failure, my external hard drive. Grab that first. There's another one somewhere in the area too just in case the first one fails.
The pink globe is a plasma ball, given to me by a good friend, which plugs into the USB hub and creates mini-lightning inside the ball if you touch it. None of these things existed in 1984, except maybe the power supply and the plasma ball.

I needed to sketch for you to prove I haven't given up urban sketching. But on Thursday 3/19 I spent much of my time talking to caregivers or potential caregivers about how to keep my mother in her home rather than sending her to a nursing home. Mother's condition continues to be guarded, I don't know what will happen in the next few weeks.

Technical pen black ink on sketchbook page, 5" x 7", March 19, 2015.

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