Saturday, March 21, 2015

Visiting Zelazny's "Amber"

From my stash of 1980s fan art comes this story title page scene, commissioned and published by a fan magazine called "Shadow Shiftin'." The zine was devoted to the world and characters of Roger Zelazny's "Amber." "Shadows" were alternative universes where the characters were sort of the same but lived different lives, and the physical world worked differently. In this fan-written story, a middle-aged, middle-class American guy is somehow translated between universes and ends up at the royal court of the perpetually scheming and fighting Amber family. The guy in black is Corwin, the hero of the book. The gal behind the visitor is Flora, and next to her in the scaly bits is Julian. You can just see the curly hair of another kinsman, "Random," seen from behind. An unknown woman's hand drops a drug pill into a cup in the lower right corner. I don't remember whether the poor soul in the suit and tie ever made it back to his home world. I might have a copy of the zine in my closet, you never know. I tried to save every publication with my art in it, which led to clutter that I have not touched in 20 years.

Black ink on illustration board, 8 1/2" x 11", spring 1983.

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