Monday, August 24, 2015

Back from the Blue Ridge

I've returned from my vacation week in Central Virginia. I enjoyed hospitable friends, pretty vistas, delicious food, and plenty of wine. I did a number of winery drawings which I will present here. Honestly I wish I could have spent another week doing more of the same but there is art work to do. 

The image you see here was not created during my vacation days (although one winery drawing resembles it). I did this from memory, as I viewed the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains from the Shenandoah Valley. I tried to match the gold-green colors of August as best as I could. I've done dozens of these landscapes and never get tired of them.

This is done in Photoshop, and I did my best to work with digital blenders so that the art would look more like a painting done on site. Memory painting is a compromise between the  properly arty on-site "plein air" and the dodgy illustrator-like painting from a photograph. Don't look too closely,'s still digital.

Photoshop, 10" x  6", August 23, 2015.

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