Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Land of Honah Lee

Is it "Puff the magic Flagon?" The land of Honah Lee (in Orange, Virginia) has up to now been only a vineyard, not a winery. But now the people of Honah Lee, Jackie Paper and his fami-lee, including new baby Erika, are a wine clan. The older generations are making their own wine. I visited this country idyll on the first day of my vacation week. I did these drawings outside despite brilliant sun and burning heat. Plein air art must go on in all weather conditions! Although I admit that I finished the drawings in the shelter of the tasting cabin. The medieval-ish event tent in the woods was recently put up in anticipation of parties and weddings. The phallic folded cloth shape on the pole is an umbrella which is used for outdoor wine-sipping and produce sales. Honah Lee also sells delicious locally grown fruit, and baked goods made by the grandma of the family. I got a commission to do a portrait sketch of baby Erika (from a family photograph), paid for with two bottles of Honah Lee wine, one white and one red.

Brown ink on sketchbook page with colored pencil and a bit of Photoshop, about 11" x 7", August 17, 2015.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your `petite natural landscapes`would call them or small vignettes. That`s why I made the suggestion I did in chat as to what to try. I feel very much part of a small scene when I look at them, a pleasantly simple scene. I always find looking at such fare relaxing :)
