Tuesday, August 4, 2015

July Twilight Cambridge

Weather conditions in July and August sometimes give us unusually colored skies at dawn and twilight. At twilight the sky can turn brilliant yellow or orange, often after a storm. I tried to capture this look with this color sketch, done while sitting on my front porch in Cambridge, Mass. The house you see there is where I photographed many of my artworks, balancing them on the porch railing. It belonged to a schoolteacher named Aileen McCarthy, who at one time lived there with her elderly mother. After her mother's passing Aileen kept the place and I never told her I wished I could buy it from her, not that I could have. The interior was like a time capsule from the 1930s or 1940s, just like my own parents' house looks like an installation from the 1960s. 

As you know, I love July and August as the only part of the year warm enough for me. I'd love to move somewhere where it is always summer but you then get the unpleasantness of the tropics such as large bugs, poisonous reptiles, hostile inhabitants, and disasters and floods. And no vineyards.

Markers on sketchbook page, 10" x  8", July 13, 1987.

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