Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Markham Station

One of my favorite places in Northern Virginia is not a vineyard but an old railway crossing. I  documented the tiny post office there in this post from 2011. It is in the town of Markham and there are historic buildings there. This used to be a stop for the trains coming in from Southern regions but now the train just goes right through. I sit there and wait for the Norfolk Southern freight train, one of my favorite sights. It uses three locomotives to haul its long line of unmarked (but graffiti-adorned) containers and tank cars towards the north, where it stops in Manassas. This drawing depicts Railstop Road, which leads to Chateau O'Brien winery and vineyard. I sometimes wish I could rent one of the 19th century townhouses near the tracks but do I really want the Norfolk Southern coming through my living room every hour or so.

Black tech pen ink on sketchbook page, 5" x 4", August 1, 2015. Some corrections in Photoshop.

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