Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Road in Central Virginia

Route 15, depicted here in north central Virginia, goes more or less north-south all the way into North Carolina. In central Virginia the terrain is not too hilly though you can see the Blue Ridge in the distance. This is a memory sketch of Route 15 on the way to Orange, where my innkeeping friends live on Poplar Hill. This part of Virginia still has open country, with no developments or strip malls except in small bunches near towns. There's so many nice things to draw or paint there, I would fill my studio with pictures of idealized rural places and buildings if I could. And then someone would have to buy them and take them off my hands. Better to do these sketches on an iPad and thus fill only hard drives with spaceless data.

"ArtStudio" app on iPad, August 16, 2015.

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