Saturday, April 21, 2018

Coffee Sips for Crafters

Every week, usually on Friday, I meet with three other ladies of craft to sip coffee and talk about projects we are doing. I don't do anything three-dimensional so I refer to the sketchbook for an urban sketch. We alternate between independent coffee shops, except for Peet's which is a chain but it's acceptable anyway. This Friday we gathered (minus one Lady who was away on a business trip) at the hipster haven "Caffe Amouri," a college-style snackery and beanery in Vienna, Virginia. My drawing for today shows what was on the coffee table that afternoon. At these meetings we don't have to think or talk about current events or politics. We are there to be creative and share it.

Sepia brown tech pen on sketchbook page with Photoshop shading and alterations, 5" x 5 1/2", April 20, 2018.

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