Friday, April 20, 2018

Mediterranean Heaven in a New Jersey Motel

On my ways back and forth between the DC area and the Boston area I used to stop off in a "sketchy" motel in central New Jersey called the "Red Carpet Inn." This noisy, shabby place was near the Hightstown Ballroom I showed you earlier. There was a very good diner down the street from it, but the best view was in the rooms I stayed in. The rooms were enriched with prints of what looked either like the San Simeon Hearst Palace in California, or more likely a Jersey-ite's view of Heaven. This Paradise would arise from an imagination of Mediterranean heritage, with decorative urns and terraces. Here is a copy of one of these prints, showing urns, angelic Italian landscaping, and a gravity-defying gazebo on a winding, rail-less staircase. In Heaven there is no gravity so you don't have to worry about falling off. 

Sepia brown tech pen on sketchbook page, 3" x 6", June 2002.

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