Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Colorform Opal

Four pieces of each primary color, same shape, different sizes. One unique feature. All arranged on a square black background. This is the "Colorforms" game remembered from my artistic childhood. My "game" never existed, of course, only the pieces and shiny black background. This one's "unique feature" is the bigger greenish square, reminiscent of a pale opal. I didn't want any red in the picture, but the game demands it, so I lined up my red triangles in a corner like a car's brake light, small enough not to disturb my design. You'd think that a Colorform would be an easy thing to knock out on Photoshop but it actually takes quite a while as sketches go...this one took more than an hour to compose, while I was listening to ambient-electronic music.

Photoshop, 5" x 5", August 21, 2018.

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