Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Visiting the Hermit

This panel illustrates a scene from my Byzantine adventure story, where a priest goes to visit a hermit in the desert to gain advice. I have long since forgotten what the Father was looking for, but he was designed to resemble my friend the Catholic chaplain at Brandeis University. His name was Bullock (now of blessed memory) so I gave him the Latin name of "Taurinus." The hermit lives in a cave, as many devotees did in that era. Taurinus was blond as was the real Bullock, and I described him as being of British origin. That's a long way to travel in that era, from Roman Britain to the pilgrimage places of the Middle East, but some brave souls made the journey.

Watercolor and ink on sketchbook page, 8 1/2" x 4 1/2", spring 1975.

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