Friday, September 7, 2018

Male Art Nude 1974

You don't often see male art models these days, at least I didn't when I belonged to my mother's art club in the elegant upper room of the Episcopal church in Newton, Mass. I guess most male models were embarrassed to pose nude in front of a group of mostly female artists. Well, this one wasn't. I have numerous drawings of him from our posing session. He was a big guy, well over six feet tall, and sometimes I didn't fit the whole figure onto my page. He also dispelled the notion I used to believe, that a long tall guy would be similarly endowed in the private department. But I guess not. It looks like his head is about to fall off, bent like it is, but honest, that's his neck not broken.

I drew countless models of both sexes and would have drawn more if I had gone to art school instead of college. My parents weren't against it, but I also wanted to study Latin and Greek classics and I regarded art school and artists as "stupid." I don't think either of those choices were altogether good but now 44 years later I wish I had gone to art school. Boston University's art school was the best and stressed figure drawing.

Watercolor and ink on sketchbook page, 9" x 4 1/2", 1974.

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