Thursday, September 6, 2018

Outraged Voter

There is an uproar in the land, as we are forced day after day to look at the painted face of the insane Big Brother. The world of politics has been replaced, deliberately and ambitiously, with the games and social brutality of "reality" TV shows, wrestling "drama," and well-endowed babes. That is his power and his expertise! And we eat it up! We love playing the game, what will happen next, what will be the next outrage from the steaming outrage factory? Are you paying attention? Good! Don't look at what has happened elsewhere. It's all a game, and HE is the Dungeon Master. 

This little scene takes place in a Peet's Coffee Shop. There is a canvas bag stuffed with craft items, a cup of coffee, and a brave resister making demonstration slogan posters on the sturdy coffee table. The resistor's hand is at left, coloring in a poster which might catch the eye of a newspaper or TV photographer, or even a passing Senator. The work is small, but every little increment counts. And if you are an American, please vote in the upcoming election. Don't play the game. Vote.

Sepia tech pen on sketchbook page, 5" x 5", September 6, 2018.

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