Monday, November 5, 2018

Cats of 1984

As I've said recently, I can draw cats. (In Internetspeek, "I can drawz katz.") These two were on separate pages and drawn at different times in the year 1984, but I combined the drawings with the marvels of Photoshop. The cat on the top is "Marble," small but fierce with a gray stripe and swirled coat. She may have been part Siamese. The feline on the bottom is "Rabbit," so called because she could sit on her hind legs and hold her front paws up, the way rabbits do. She was a gray striped cat too. These cats were guests in my house at various times and have long since passed into blessed memory.

Black ink on sketchbook page, combined drawings about 4" x 4 1/2", 1984.

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